About Nexus
Nexus Health Group was founded in 2016 with the coming together of a number of long established, like minded GP practices. We are a well-recognised training organisation (for GP sand allied health professionals) serving a diverse list of approximately 80,000 patients from nine practice sites.
Our GP sites are made up of established multidisciplinary teams of GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs), Paramedics, Physicians Associates, Nurses, Pharmacists, Health care Assistants (HCAs) and local administration teams. We are focused on the development of our workforce.
Our organisation is led by our GP partners, and Senior Management Team. Sites are supported by Clinical Governance Leads, and centralised back office functions providing HR, finance, administration and IT support.
For career opportunities with Nexus Health Group, please see our vacancies on NHS jobs (Keyword Nexus), and or LinkedIn page.
Our multidisciplinary clinical teams are:
- GP Partners
- Salaried GPs
- Nurse Practitioners
- Practice Nurses
- Physicians Associates
- Paramedics
- Clinical Pharmacists
- Health Care Assistants
Our experienced non-clinical teams are:
- Senior Management team
- Cluster Service Managers
- Site Managers
- Receptionists and administrators
- HR, Finance and IT teams
- Administration teams.
Meet our GP Partners

Dr Anna Kedian
Additional roles:
- Nexus Executive Partner
- Nexus Lead for Access/Targets/Long Term Conditions
- North Southwark PCN Overseeing Group
- GP Educational Supervisor
Special Interests:
- Women's Health
- Diabetes
Coil Fitting/Removal

Dr 'Ben Sangowawa
Additional roles:
- Nexus Lead for Prescribing
- GP Appraiser
Special Interests:
- Child Health Promotion
- Travel Medicine
Joint Injections

Dr Chris Damant
Additional roles:
- Nexus Lead for Back Office/Targets
Special Interests:
- Digital Healthcare
Subdermal Contraceptive Implant Fitting/Removal

Dr Femi Osonuga
Additional roles:
- Nexus Partnership Chair
- Nexus Safeguarding Lead
- QHS GP Federation Clinical Director
- North Southwark PCN Clinical Director
- GP Educational Supervisor
Special Interests:
- Minor Surgery
- Medical Education and Training
- Population Health and Care Management
- Minor Surgery
- Joint Injections

Dr Grant Su
Additional roles:
- CESEL Southwark Clinical Lead
- Nexus Lead for Targets
- Nursing Home Lead GP
- GP Educational Supervisor
Special Interests:
- Elderly Care Medicine
- Digital Healthcare
- Medical Education and Training

Dr Kenny Chan
Additional roles:
- Nexus Executive Partner
- Nexus Lead for Back Office/Information Governance
- Caldicott Guardian
- GP Educational Supervisor
Special Interests:
- Trauma and Orthopaedics
- Minor Surgery
- Minor Surgery
- Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Fitting/Removal
- Joint Injections

Dr Mohammed Ellabib
Additional roles:
- Nexus Lead for Research/Targets
- GP Educational Supervisor
Special Interests:
- Clinical Research
- Medical Education and Training

Dr Neal Murphy
Special Interests:
- Dermatology – previous Southwark community dermatology Lead
- Diabetes
- Elderly Care Medicine

Dr Robin Rastogi
Additional roles:
- Board Director - SELDOC
- ARCP Panel Member
- Southwark LMC Member
- GP Educational Supervisor
Special Interests:
- Diabetes
- Urgent and Unscheduled Care
- Medical Education and Training

Dr Sam Soo
Additional roles:
- Nexus Executive Partner
- Nexus Lead for Finance/Premises/Digital
- North Southwark PCN Clinical Director
- GP Educational Supervisor
- Joint Injections

Dr Stefan Lipinski
Additional roles:
- QHS GP Federation Clinical Director
- GP Educational Supervisor
Special Interests:
- Multidisciplinary Team Development
- Holistic Health Care
- Musculoskeletal Conditions
Our Team
- Steven Hunt: Director of Operations and Services
- Claire Lannie: Nurse Manager
- Sabrina Sithanen: HR Manager
- Mus Chowdhury: Finance Manager
- Khristle Absalud: Senior Operations Manager
- Ellen Kitching: Business and Communications Manager
Uzma Rana: Cluster Servcies Manager for Princess Street Practice and Manor Place Surgery.
- Angela Donnelly: Princess Street Practice Site Manager
- Patricia Toohey: Manor Place Surgery Site Manager
Sharon Coleman: Cluster Services Manager for Harold Moody Health Centre, Dun Cow Surgery, Commercial Way Surgery, Sir John Kirk Close Surgery.
- Jo Fox: Harold Moody Health Centre Site Manager.
- Ann Gibson: Dun Cow Surgery Site Manager.
- Jo Fox and Ann Gibson: Sir John Kirk Close Surgery and Commercial Way Surgery Site Manager.
Nosheen Sethi: Cluster Services Manager for Decima Street Surgery, Artesian Health Centre and Surrey Docks Health Centre.
- Leigh Kavanagh: Decima Street Surgery, and Artesian Health Centre Site Manager
- Taija-Lee Lewis: Surrey Docks Health Centre Site Manager.
In addition we have staff from local services provide care from our sites including health visitors, dietitians, osteopaths, alcohol and drug workers, and mental health workers. As a training practice (both undergraduates and specialist trainees) we also regularly have trainees working across the location and branch surgeries. We also have student nurses attached for placements at our sites.
Our Values & Aims
The overall aim of Nexus Health Group is to provide a clinically excellent service to our patients, recognising the needs of our local population and to provide a learning and developmental environment for our staff.
Our clinical approach is based on a foundation of clinical excellence, clinical leadership and clinical governance.
Having a clear set of values keeps us focused on why we do what we do and what we stand for. We want to be a service who is enjoyable to work with, and work for.
Here are the values we stand by at Nexus:
- We operate under the principles of honesty, unity, respect and equality. We are a caring organisation that is responsive to the needs of our staff, patients and service users.
- We strive to maintain our status as a place of knowledge and learning – by continuing as an established well-respected GP training organisation, and encouraging professional development of our clinical and non-clinical staff.
- We aim for excellence in the way our organisation is managed, the way our clinical and nonclinical services are delivered, and our reputation with our stakeholders and our community.
- To provide a service that meets the needs of the local population and in particular the younger population, ethnically diverse and deprived population.
- To provide the range of general practice services to all our patients and service users.
- To provide continuity of care to patients with ongoing long term conditions, appropriate sexual health services to young people and end of life care that meets identified patient wishes.
- To improve the care and identification of diseases/conditions within the local population in a coordinated and consistent way.
Nexus Health Group is a member of the North Southwark Primary Care Network (PCN) https://www.quayhealthsolutions.co.uk/our-primary-care-network/
Find information on our current vacancies here
Nexus Health Group is an accredited GP Training practice.
The types of trainee or junior doctor that you, as a registered patient, may come into contact with are as follows:
GP Registrars (ST1, ST2 and ST3)
A GP Registrar or GP Trainee is a fully qualified Doctor who has competed all their medical student training and has also worked for two years as a Foundation Year Doctor. They are now doing the specialist training to become a GP. This will take three years if they work full-time or longer if part-time.
The first two years (ST1 and ST2) are spent in General Practice or in speciality hospital posts (e.g. A &E, psychiatry, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology). In their 3rd and final year (ST3) they are usually in the practice for 12 months. They complete various assessments during this time including a knowledge test and an assessment of their consultations. Feedback is also taken from colleagues and patients. You may be asked at times if you give permission for your consultation to be recorded for assessment or to complete a feedback questionnaire.
All GP Registrars have a trainer – a senior GP who supervises their clinical work and their training.
Foundation Year Doctors (F2s)
Prior to becoming a Registrar, and having already obtained a medical degree, trainees spend 2 years in Foundation Training. During the second year of foundation training, 4 months is spent in general practice. F2 Doctors remain under clinical supervision (as do all Doctors in training) but take on increasing responsibility for patient care. They have a much longer appointment time allocated as they need more time than a qualified GP to manage each individual case. At the end of their training, F2 Doctors will have begun to demonstrate the skill requirements that are essential for hospital or general practice training.
Medical Students
Medical Students: Before you become a UK Doctor, you first have to obtain degrees in medicine and surgery from a medical school. Medical school training varies between 4 to 6 years depending on whether the student is entering training as a postgraduate trainee. Medical students spend occasional ‘taster’ days at PGGP. They may see patients under supervision of their trainer. We will always ask your permission if we are booking you a consultation with a medical student.
After graduation, the newly qualified doctors enter the 2-year Foundation Programme.
Nursing and Medical Students
We are also joined regularly by medical and nursing students who also seek to further their training. Seeing patients and our team at work is import for them. However, if you prefer to see your doctor or practice nurse along, please let us know and we will respect your wish.
Video-recording of consultations
For education purposes, your doctor may wish to video your consultation. You will be asked if this is acceptable to you when you book the consultation.
All recordings will remain confidential and are only shared with other GP tutors. All videos are destroyed within one year of recording.
If you do not wish your consultation to be recorded, please tell us. This is not a problem and will not affect your consultation in any way.
We are always looking to engage with local patients/community about our services. We have recently developed a Nexus wide Patient Engagement Strategy in consultation with our patients.
As part of this strategy we are looking to:
- Utilise our patient participation groups to obtain feedback and ideas on services.
- Actively engaging with our patients on our service redesign proposals, utilising both patient groups and focus groups.
- Using patient surveys and feedback from Friends and Family Test and the GP Patient survey to obtain insight on what matters to our patients.
- Share this insight with our wider patient population through local surgeries and our website
To engage with the local university and educational institutions such as London South Bank University, about providing information to students about our practice and to provide registration clinics/health promotion.
The practice has developed key relationships with a number of organisations in the community such as homeless hostels, care homes, residential homes in our area who register their residents with us.
Find information about the Nexus Health Group GP practices by clicking on this link https://nexushealthgroup.nhs.uk/our-practices or selecting your practice from the drop down menu at the top of the page.
NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised and that the required disclosure is shown below. However it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used for any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make comparisons with other practices. The average pay for GPs working in Nexus Health Group in the last financial year was £70,591 before tax and National Insurance