Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Our PPG helps shape our services

What is a PPG?
A PPG is a group of registered patients and practice staff who meet to discuss and make decisions about the practice and how it is able to service the community. It an opportunity for patients and service users to feed back about the services we offer.
What is the purpose of a PPG?
To share information about the organisation, our services and our delivery in the future.
For Nexus to understand the patients point of view and to encourage feedback.
Encourage a spirit of self help and support amongst patients to improve their health and well being
Improve communication between the service providers, the group and the wider population
What do PPG members do?
Attend Nexus PPG meetings.
Share your views on the devleopment of our services.
Participate and patient feedback sessions for Nexus and Southwark.
How do I register?
We welcome your views. Click the link below to sign up to our Nexus Health Group PPG. We aim to have at least three PPG meetings per year. After each event a patient newsletter is published below.
Our meetings will alternate between face to face, and virtual (MS Teams) meetings.
The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) is the research 'arm' of the NHS.
The South London Primary Care Research Team came to talk to the group about the importance of health research and the benefits your participation can have to improve the current and future healht and care of the population.
Nexus Health Group pateints have participated in many studies. Your GP will approach you if you are suitable for a research project. If you are interested in looking at what opportunities the NIHR clinic here