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We value your feedback.

Feedback from our patients and service users helps shape our current and future services. You can feedback in a number of ways 

  1. Completing the Friends and Family Test (FFT)
  2. Joining our Patient Participation Group (PPG)
  3. Responding to the National GP patient survey
  4. Leaving a review on
  5. In person to the team at your registered GP practice. 
  6. Via our contact us page for feedback and complaints

Friends and Family (FFT) satisfaction scores

  • February 2025: 89% of users rated their overall experience as good or very good.

National GP patient survey

We acknowledge the poor satisfaction rates in the 2024 survey. We continue to take steps towards improving the experience of our staff and patients.

  • We have a central Access Hub that handles all incoming calls to the service which has reduced overall wait times. Our Access Hub match callers with the appropriate clinical member of our multidisciplinary team. Patients can be offered appointments at any Nexus site, and also have the option of evening and weekend appointments at our PCN Hub.
  • Our staff actively signpost patients to the tool/service that best meets their needs. 
  • We offer face to face; telephone; or online (our online form) appointments.