Work for us
Nexus Health Group is the third largest provider of NHS Primary Care services in England. We are a well recognised training organisation (for GPs and allied health professionals) serving a diverse list of approximately 80,000 patients from nine practice sites grouped into three geographical clusters.
Each site has an established multidisciplinary team of GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs), Paramedics, Physicians Associates, Nurses, Pharmacists, Health Care Assistants (HCAs) and local administration teams.
Sites are supported by cluster Clinical Governance Leads and centralised back office functions providing finance, HR, administration, and data/IT support. Our organisation is led by our GP Partners and a Senior Management Team.
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Our employees benefit from:
- Mentoring for newly qualified GPs
- Continuous learning and peer support via our monthly clinical education sessions.
- NHS Pension
- Indemnity fully paid with MPS
- Opportunity for flexible working depending on the role
- Remote access with laptop linked to EMISweb supported in line with service needs
- Cycle to work scheme
- Eye test voucher scheme with Specsavers
- Employee Assistance Program
- Access to 6 sessions of external counselling
- Opportunities to work with harder to reach groups in our community including homeless, asylum seeker/refugee residents.
- Opportunities to work within the PCN
- Engagement with Southwark mental health hostels and drug and alcohol services.
- Social events for staff
The health and wellbeing of our staff is very important. We have rolled out the following measures to reduce workload for GPs
- Job plan for all GPs
- Appointment of paramedics to undertake home visiting
- We have engaged Time for Care to work with Nexus over the next 18 months to implement improvements in access.
- Development of Nexus specific Accuryx templates and letters
- Centralised back office support that manages centralised admin. Support put in place for clinicians to strengthen clinical governance and support referral and document management.
- Development of an e-hub with dedicated administration
- 1 session you will see 16 appointment thus freeing up time for clinical administration and queries
- Blocked time for weekly clinical meetings
Our GP Partners are supported by a team of salaried General Practitioners. They lead our clinical and non-clinical multidisciplinary teams to delivery holistic care to our patients. Our GPs see patients face to face, but also offer telephone consultations and online consultations if that is deemed more appropriate.
Fully qualified medical doctors who are completing their specialist training in General Practice. They work under the supervision of their allocated trainer.
A Physician Associate (PA) is “a healthcare professional who, while not a doctor, works to the medical model, with the attitudes, skills and knowledge base to deliver holistic care and treatment within the general medical and/or general practice team under defined levels of supervision” Source: CQC mythbuster
Our PAs work under the supervision of an experienced named salaried GP, or GP Partner. The supervisor discusses cases and arranges prescriptions/ imaging, where appropriate, and will review the consultations to ensure clinical safety and best practice has being applied.
What do Physician Associates do at Nexus Health Group?
Our PAs are an important part of our multidisciplinary team. At Nexus all of our appointments are triaged by clinicians so only cases that are appropriate for their scope of practice are booked with them. An appointment with a Physician Associate can include:
- taking medical histories from patients
- carrying out physical examinations
- developing and delivering appropriate treatment and management plans under supervision
- requesting and interpreting diagnostic studies under supervision
- seeing patients with acute illness
- seeing patients with long-term chronic conditions
- providing health promotion and disease prevention advice.
- administering flu vaccines
Our Physicians associate do not prescribe medication, or request xray or CT scans.
What training and qualifications do physician associates have?
To enrol on a PA programme, students must already hold an undergraduate degree, usually in a biomedical or health/ life science field and have some prior health or social care experience. PAs trained in the UK then undertake postgraduate medical training in PA studies. This is an intensive two-year course based on the Competence and Curriculum Framework for the PA, consisting of theoretical learning in medical sciences, pharmacology and clinical reasoning, as well as clinical placement experience in a wide variety of settings. Source: NHS Employers
Our team of Paramedics work across all Nexus sites and are highly trained in dealing with acute medical issues. The usually perform acute home visits for our housebound patients.
We have a full nursing team across all our sites who have all done further training to become competent in skills needed for General Practice.
Practice nurses can carry out cervical smears, immunisations, contraception reviews, wound care and chronic disease management such as asthma, COPD and Diabetes.
Health care assistants work with the nursing team and are trained in adult immunisations, phlebotomy, wound care, ear syringing, NHS health checks, 24 hour BP monitoring and some annual reviews.
Advanced Nurse Practitioners are experienced Nurses who have undergone several more years of advanced training in order to become Nurse Practitioners. Their role is to assess, diagnose and treat patients and they are also able to prescribe medication.
The carry out telephone triage and face to face appointments for urgent and routine matters and work closely with the GP team.
Pharmacists are responsible for the safe prescribing of complex and high risk medicines. They respond to central medicine alerts and conduct prescribing safety audits and adjust medication charts post hospital discharges.
Our osteopath specialises in neck, back and joint problems and can devise treatment plans to support a recovery from sport related injuries.
Each of our sites have a reception team who assist our pateints and service users, and are an important link between our clinical and non-clinical teams.
Our reception teams are made up of people who mostly live locally in the community, and are the first port of call for our visitors.