About Nexus
Nexus Health Group is a relatively new organisation but with a long history of providing good quality primary healthcare in Southwark. Our GP partnership was formed in August 2016 when four long standing local GP practices merged. Nexus serves a population of more than 75,000 patients over nine sites. We merged as we believe there are benefits of working together in a larger GP partnership.
Our partners are looking to realise a number of ambitions for Nexus over the next few years, by thinking of new ways we can continue to deliver high quality services to our patients and service users. Our team is vital for us to achieve this goal.
Our GP Partners
Dr Ben Sangowawa
Dr Jane Doherty
Dr Kenny Chan
Dr Neal Murphy
Dr Olufemi Osonuga
Dr Robin Rastogi
Dr Sam Soo
Dr Stefan Lipinski
The Nexus clinical team is made up of:
The Nexus clinical team is made up of:
- GP Partners
- Salaried GPs
- Nurse Practitioners
- Practice Nurses
- Physicians Associates
- Paramedics
- Clinical Pharmacists
- Health Care Assistants
The clinical team is supported by experienced non-clinical staff made up of:
- A Senior Management team
- Operations Managers
- Team Leaders
- Receptionists and Administrators
- Data and IT Experts
In addition we have staff from local services provide care from our sites including health visitors, dietitians, osteopaths, alcohol and drug workers, and mental health workers. As a training practice (both undergraduates and specialist trainees) we also regularly have trainees working across the location and branch surgeries. We also have student nurses attached for placements at our sites.
Our Values & Aims
The overall aim of Nexus Health Group is to provide a clinically excellent service to our patients, recognising the needs of our local population and to provide a learning and developmental environment for our staff.
Our clinical approach is based on a foundation of clinical excellence, clinical leadership and clinical governance. There are clear lines of management and accountability within our organisation.
Our Values shape our culture:
Having a clear set of values keeps us focused on why we do what we do and what we stand for. We want to be a service who is enjoyable to work with, and work for.
Here are the values we stand by at Nexus:
- Caring
- Honesty, integrity and openness
- Unity
- Respect
- Equality
- Knowledge and learning
- Quality and excellence
We aim to:
- To provide a general practice service to registered patients in historically deprived areas of Southwark.
- To provide a service that meets the needs of the local population and in particular the younger population, ethnically diverse and deprived population.
- To provide the range of general practice services to all our patients and service users.
- To provide continuity of care to patients with ongoing long term conditions, appropriate sexual health services to young people and end of life care that meets identified patient wishes.
- To improve the care and identification of diseases/conditions within the local population in a coordinated and consistent way.
Nexus Health Group in the community
We are always looking to engage with local patients/community about our services. We have recently developed a Nexus wide Patient Engagement Strategy in consultation with our patients.
As part of this strategy we are looking to:
Utilise our patient participation groups to obtain feedback and ideas on services.
Actively engaging with our patients on our service redesign proposals, utilising both patient groups and focus groups.
Using patient surveys and feedback from Friends and Family Test and the GP Patient survey to obtain insight on what matters to our patients.
Share this insight with our wider patient population through local surgeries and our website.
To engage with the local university and educational institutions such as London South Bank University, about providing information to students about our practice and to provide registration clinics/health promotion.
The practice has developed key relationships with a number of organisations in the community such as homeless hostels, care homes, residential homes in our area who register their residents with us.
We actively engage with the Care Quality Commission (the Health and Social Care regulator) and NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group (the local commissioner of NHS-funded services in the borough).